Health Professional Referrals
The Exercise Clinic are the leading allied health professionals addressing exercise based interventions in the treatment and prevention of complex and chronic disease.
Exercise Physiologists can also assist with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular rehabilitation.
The main areas in which EP’s are critically involved in are the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) or Medicare system as well as various forms of injury rehabilitation (Workers compensation, sporting and private).
Exercise Physiologists can identify psychological barriers which may inhibit adherence to exercise and healthy behaviour that will enhance potential for lifestyle change.
We provide individual exercise prescription, tailored to the needs of your patients, with constant monitoring and upgrades. We also promote and provide self managing home based exercise programs with minimal exercise equipment. Advanced exercise prescription is provided where appropriate.
This outlook enhances the potential for positive outcomes and the ability to change behaviours.
Health Professional Referral Forms
The Exercise Clinic and all it’s exercise physiologists are accredited by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) allowing us to provide fitness, health and performance services as well as treatment strategies in physical rehabilitation and disease prevention to establish and sustain functional independence.